Periradicular surgery is a term used to describe surgery to the root surface, e.g., apicoectomy. An apicoectomy is a procedure that involves preparing and filling the root tip itself. After surgical removal of the apex (root tip), the area around the root is curetted to remove any granulation (diseased tissue) and cystic formations. The tooth is then sealed by placing a retro (reverse) fill over the severed root tip. After a brief healing period, the site of the incision will return to normal and the cavity in the bone surrounding the tooth will fill in with new bone completing the healing process.
Apex of tooth | Removal of diseased tissue | Removal of bone and root tip | Placement of retro-seal |
Often, the only alternative to an apicoectomy is extraction of the tooth. The extracted tooth must then be replaced with an implant, a bridge, or a removable partial denture to restore chewing function and to prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting.
No matter how effective modern tooth replacements are (and they can be very effective), nothing is as good as a natural tooth.
The above is provided for information and educational purposes only and is not intended to offer specific medical, dental, or surgical advice to anyone, nor is it a substitute for a consultation. No doctor/patient relationship has been established and no treatment or diagnosis has been provided. No guarantees or warranties are made with regard to any of the information provided.